Vulnerability is power and wisdom

Vulnerability is power and wisdom

Vulnerability is power and wisdom

It’s the quiet wisdom of your deepest, most truthful self.

Vulnerability is an act of courage, dear one, and a beautiful present for all people around you. It’s not a sign of weakness as you were taught.

For me, speaking from my heart, being honest and open in my life is the way I feel vulnerable. And it feels so intense sometimes in my heart and my body! I am so tempted to run away! 

My practice is to remember to be present with my feelings, gentle with my heart, and centered in my body through breathing. 

I also tell myself with the kindest voice I have: “it’s ok dear, living with your heart open is such a beautiful way to walk in life… also so deeply vulnerable. You are safe, breathe!”

Take some time to sit quietly, breathe deep, and ask yourself these questions:

What is my most vulnerable way of being?

How do I feel my body when I am vulnerable? 

How do I feel, how do I think and how do I breathe when I feel that way?

What makes me feel vulnerable?

What helps me express my vulnerability?

Sometimes it’s scary just to think about this feeling let alone to stay with that feeling or talk about it. 

That’s why, my dear…
… I honor the space where people are the most vulnerable, where they trust me enough to be open to talk about their deepest feelings. I feel so blessed to be part of the healing journey where shared vulnerability is the most beautiful and courageous act. I am honored to hold space for vulnerability! I love doing that!

I send so much gratitude to you, the beautiful ones who invite me to be part of your story!

I truly appreciate your power and your willingness to be vulnerable trusting the process.

You are brave! You are powerful! You are beautiful! 

Vulnerability is your superpower!

From my heart to yours, much love and infinite gratitude!


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