We carry so much in our bodies

We carry so much in our bodies

We women…

We carry so much on our shoulders: responsibility for our children, worries, fears for us, for them. Duties… lots of them are hanging on our shoulders as baggage we are so used to carrying that we even don't question it anymore.

We just keep going that way.

We carry so much in our bodies and we just keep moving forward without asking any questions. We are not aware of the load until the body screams for our attention.

We keep so much tension in our lungs and our breath seems to not move deeper.

We breathe superficially as well as we live our lives. Not wondering how we actually are feeling, how happy we are in our lives, in our relationships.

We carry sadness in our bones and we forget that our bodies are naturally born to feel light, playful, and sensual… our bodies are meant to express our joy, dance, hold hands, hug, and touch.

We carry unexpressed anger in our throats and don't know how to protect our boundaries because we learned how to be nice not how to protect our safety.

We carry the heaviness of our forgotten desires in our hearts. We locked our dreams and with them, we closed our hearts. No wonder we know how to care and give love to our dear ones, but we don't know how to care for ourselves.

Our hearts wait patiently for our attention!

From what I see in my own life and the lives of more and more women, we are on our Journey of healing and awakening to our true selves.

We are walking this path and we are not alone! We are together in this Journey! We have each other! 

Our stories are not so different!

Much love and gratitude to you, wherever you are in your Journey… keep walking!

photo: Pinterest

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