I see women coming into their power

I see women coming into their power

I see women coming into their power, becoming more courageous, more resilient, and more true to their beliefs.

In their lives, those around them, especially their partners, see their growth as a threat or a beautiful transformation.

The change is about them becoming more aware, healing their wounds, changing their limiting beliefs, and learning how to care for themselves more.

Such a woman is a force. A beautiful force that can change everything around her with her presence.

She is centered in her power, she is grounded, and safe in her body, she knows herself, she asks for what she needs, and she can be balanced in her life.

She knows what she deserves and that she is worthy of love, care, protection, and a safe place in someone's heart where she can rest.

She accepts all her light and shadows with the wisdom of the one who learned so much from her Journey.

She is the one who isn't afraid to take risks, to lose, to grieve her loss, to succeed in the outside world, and to transform that success into an inner beautiful place in her heart where she can find refuge from the turmoil of life.

I see these women!

They are more and more awakened and aware of what is happening in their hearts because they have found that the heart is the only place where they want to live.

I see more women finding themselves and loving themselves and their lives fully.

I see more women like this!

You are one of them if you chose to read until this point.

I am one of these women who walk their Journey becoming more and more aware of myself, living mindfully, and choosing consciously to honor my truth and to live from my heart. I was humbled by life and I have learned the most precious lessons from the pain. With every new challenge, I become more of who I am and I let go of what was not mine. I was perceived as a threat or a wonder. I was judged but also admired.

I turned inside to find my strength and courage and I moved forward.

I keep walking, and in this Journey, I meet other amazing, brave, and beautiful women who walk on their path. And with every step, we gather together, we inspire others, and we transform all we touch with our light.

I see you, beautiful one! Keep walking! You are not alone!

photo: Pinterest

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