You were never meant to follow the crowd

You were never meant to follow the crowd

My dear one, I am writing this for you! A kind reminder.
You were never meant to follow the crowd. You were never meant to be liked by everyone.
You don't have to spend your energy and aliveness to please others in order to feel seen and loved.
You just don't know yet that you don't need other’s approval to be who you are.
You just don't know yet that your answers are not outside but in your own heart. Or maybe you know but it is hard for you to hear them clearly. The answers always have been there but you learn to turn them off in order to adapt.
You don't know yet, but now, you can choose differently. Now you have a choice!

Sometimes you just need someone to remember you… you are a beautiful grown-up woman!
You can choose for yourself!
You can start asking yourself questions. Real, challenging questions that help you find your way back to your heart. The only one that has the right answers for you. You know that!
You are meant to let go of the external noise for a while, listen to your sacred inner voice, and find your way back to yourself. Your true self!
You’ll know that you need to take this Journey back to yourself when you listen carefully to your own body, when you rest in silence for a few deep breaths and just listen.
You will feel. Just trust! You will hear that voice inside that will tell you if you are in a good place in your life or not. If you feel joy, peace or not. If it's time to just listen, to become more self-aware or you need a change.

You will know!

Beautiful woman, turn on the light in your beautiful heart and let it be your own light in the world!

photo: Pinterest

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