Trust the process of healing

Trust the process of healing

Your wounds make the best teachers who teach you how to find courage in your fears and strength in your vulnerability.

Don’t be afraid of being hurt. Stay with your pain and let it heal your heart.

It’s the bravest thing to do when you feel suffering.

You are not alone!

You walk the same path as the most powerful people.

The most courageous people are the ones that meet their challenges in life with an open heart.

Remember to be gentle with yourself and have compassion for your beautiful heart. She teaches you how to heal!

“Often times when we heal, what we once called a wound now becomes a gift.

What we once called unfair becomes a blessing.

What we once called heartache now becomes strength.

What we once called dis-empowerment now becomes mastery.

What we once called unconscious now becomes wisdom.

What we once called anger now becomes assertiveness.

What we once called darkness now becomes light.

What we once called judgement now becomes understanding.” - Terri Morehu


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