Freedom is my true nature and yours too!

Freedom is my true nature and yours too!

Life on earth is complicated now and technology has made our lives easier yet more restricted at the same time. We no longer spend time under the open sky. We spend less time alone, in silence. We are constantly being called to pay attention to our schedules, phones, calendars, and commitments. We talk a lot but we do not have a voice for our true selves!
Have you been craving more freedom in your life experience? 

I know I do! 

Look around you and see where you have been restricted by your own free will. You may recognize some things outside of your doing: maybe some shifts in cultural trends, family demands on your time, or some work pressures. I want you, my dear one, to remember there is always room to create more freedom in your life by making decisions about what is serving you and what is not. THAT IS THE TRUE POWER OF OPENING TO FREEDOM! 

Do not take Freedom for granted, thinking it will always be there, without never fully embracing it!

Use your power of letting go of what you no longer need and move ahead! Maybe some habits, beliefs, feelings. Maybe something from your past that you need to let go of: some anger, shame, fear, certain places or people. I know it is not easy! I know it so well! 

Learning to let go was one of my big lessons in life. If I can, so do you, my dear! Do not let yourself get caught up in black and white thinking. You need to learn how to create space in your life, and this is not an all-or-nothing affair. Everything starts with a first step, a smaller one than the next one.

Close your eyes now and feel! 

How is your free spirit feeling? 

How is the energy in your body when you give yourself permission to move freely? Take this feeling and put it close to your heart. It is your gift for yourself, my dear. 

Breathe deeply and feel the freedom. It is just like a river. How is the water? 

Pay attention, allow, feel... something is awakening in you, my dear one! Do not be afraid! Let it flow!

Open yourself to the element of Space and move beyond the old! Create new ways of being in your life! Some authentic and free ways of being who you are. This will set you free, dear one! 

And remember... this can be your mantra: Freedom is my true nature!

Sending you much Love and infinite Gratitude! 

Thank you for walking this way together! It is an honor and pleasure to be with you on this beautiful Journey!


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