Do your inner work

Do your inner work

Do your inner work before you start a relationship

Partnership is the most triggering space for your unhealed wounds.

Do your inner work when you face conflict

That’s the way to finding a solution for your anger.

Do your inner work when sadness comes to you

That’s how you get through your pain.

Do your inner work when you end a relationship

That’s how you learn how to care for your broken heart.

Do your inner work when you’re in the middle of uncertainty and you feel lost and scared

That’s the way you find your inner guidance.

Do your inner work when you feel overwhelmed by your life

That’s the best way to get clarity.

Do your inner work when you feel lonely

That’s the best way to learn how to be present with your own heart and you’ll never feel alone.

Do your inner work when you feel you don’t know how to care for your body

You’ll learn how to connect with your needs.

Do your inner work when you feel afraid to ask for help

You will find that letting yourself be vulnerable is the best gift you can give to others.

Do your inner work when you feel that you don’t belong

You’ll learn how much you have been disconnected from your self.

Do your inner work when you don’t know who you are beyond your roles

You will find that the real you was there, deep inside your heart waiting to be seen.

Do your inner work when you cannot speak for yourself

You will discover the voice that screamed inside you to be heard.

Do your inner work when you believe you are not enough

You will understand that you don’t lack anything, you are just unaware of your beauty.

Do your inner work when you blame others for your suffering

You will learn how to take your power back.

Do your inner work when you can’t enjoy your life

You will find new ways to discover your inner child who was waiting for you to hear his cry and hold him in your love.

When you feel you don’t know what to do, just pause and listen

You will hear the song of your heart that awakens your inner fire and then nothing will stand in your way.

Do your inner work to find the way to your Truth

Heal your wounds, care for your needs, give compassion to your heart.

And you will find a new way of being.

Pay attention to your body and listen carefully for your heart whispers

And you will never be lost. 

You will know how to find back the way to yourself.

Do your inner work when you find yourself searching for answers outside of yourself

The right path is always inside and the right questions will lead you there.

Give yourself the gift of exploring your inner life

And you’ll get the awareness that will change your whole life and therefore you’ll never be the same.

Do the inner work if you feel this call of your soul

That means you are ready to heal, grow, and transform!


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