The art of healing

The art of healing

Healing doesn’t mean to cure.

Healing is the journey of becoming whole, the journey to wholeness, to remember who you are.

When we heal, we are engaged in recovering our lost parts of self, not trying to change them to be better.

Healing begins with acknowledging our suffering and the suffering around us. 

It means opening ourselves to the truth of our lives, past and present, as plainly and objectively as we can.

We acknowledge where we were wounded and, as honestly as we can, we look at the impact of these wounds on our lives and the lives of people around us.

A clear look at how it is the life in front of our eyes, our real life, what happens to be at this moment, ushers us into healing.

Seeing the truth about our life is not an easy thing to do. Most of the time, most of us are running from the truth of our life.

In our Journey to become whole, we can invite our heart as a guide.

With the heart as a guide and the mind as a willing and curious partner, you follow the path most resonates with the call of healing.

The healing is that journey to allow the heart to speak. We heal when we allow ourselves to see with our heart, the only one can see rightly.

Healing happens when you are willing to face the discomfort. To face what hurts deep inside. To make a safe space in your heart for all that hurts, to be met with care, love, and compassion.

To be on the healing path is the scariest and most beautiful challenge one can have in life. It takes courage, determination, and trust to follow this path. It can be for anyone but not everyone chooses to walk this way. Only the bravest ones. The ones that can face the rawest places inside their hearts. The ones who are brave enough to open their hearts, and to stay open, be vulnerable. And this is not easy!

Being vulnerable is a big challenge for most of us. It means accepting the risk to be hurt. It takes a lot of courage for that.

Vulnerability is not comfortable but it is absolutely necessary for healing and growth.

Without vulnerability, there is no growth.

The Healing Journey is a path toward wholeness. Not a destination but a process, a movement. Have patience. Trust the process!

Healing is the art of opening our hearts, staying open, and being vulnerable to being hurt but trusting enough the process to feel our feelings. In this space of holding our emotions with love and care, we find the way back to our hearts, meet our truth, and become whole. And in this space, healing happens.

Much love and gratitude for all of us brave enough to walk this Journey, the Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey!

You are not alone!


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