Mindful Therapist

Personal Alchemy - A holistic counselling and wellness space for your Journey to emotional self-awareness, healing past traumas, and mindful living with a heart-centered approach.

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About Mindful Therapist

A Journey to Healing and Transformation

Welcome to the Mindful Therapist! 

Here you will find a holistic counseling and wellness space for your emotional self-awareness, healing past traumas and attachment wounds, and mindful living with a heart-centered approach. 

My name is Aniela and I am your guide in your 

Personal Alchemy - a Journey to healing and transformation for your body, mind, and spirit.

My approach combines the methods of Western psychology, psychotherapy (cogni... Read more

Let me serve you in your Journey

"I will not rescue you
For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you
For you are not broken.

I will not heal you
For I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness
As you remember your light."

My Vision and Purpose

My vision 
To be part of a world where people live authentic and conscious lives.   

My mission/purpose 
To help people be free of their limitations, and pain, hold space for healing their past wounds, and trauma, and guide their journeys to wholeness.   

I treasure self-awareness, self-compassion, companionship, and the courage to be vulnerable.   

  If you are committed to growth, transformation and self-awareness, if you want to connect to y... Read more


Daniela Mares

Once in a while, yet not too often, we come across certain people that completely and utterly impact our lives. Aniela is one of those people for me.

I was in my 30s, feeling scared, alone and in desperate search of someone to help me out of my pain and darkness. The moment I found her articles online, I knew in my soul that she was the person I was looking for.

For more than 10 years, Aniela has walked along with me through my healing journey of emotional eating, body image issues, lack of self-confidence, panic attacks, anxiety and family trauma. And this was definitely no walk in the park (as it was extremely challenging, scary and painful at times) but a walk I will eternally be grateful to her!

Aniela was the first person to help me feel accepted exactly the way I was. She helped me feel heard and understood. All of these created a safe space for me where I could open my heart in order to understand my fears, my pain, my challenges. And once my heart was open, she was still there, present, aware, gentle and compassionate towards my feelings! And THAT was a gift, a blessing because I felt safe! I felt seen! I felt that I was able to bear my feelings no matter the amount of pain or fear I felt! And eventually that lead to A LOT of relief, transformation and even peace in certain aspects I managed to overcome. From compulsive eating to being able to truly enjoy food and take care of myself. From being terrified of panic attacks to being able to sit with my feelings, relax and let go. From not being able to talk without crying, to be able to sit with my feelings and have a mature, adult conversation. What is so easily being said in a few words were hours and hours of therapy, going through limited beliefs, pain and fear release – but never alone, always accompanied by the compassionate heart and wise mind that Aniela has to offer.

There are thousands and thousands of therapists (and thank God for so many people to do the hard work!) however to me Aniela is the one that meets all my needs. She is very well educated and experienced in psychology and CBT but even more, she sees with her heart, she is there for me as a person, she is very empathic, compassionate, and understanding! I feel that she knows but not just from books but from having been there. Besides that, she sees beyond the psychological aspects and lights the way through my spiritual journey, which to me is the meaning of life.

These are ones of the most valuable gifts I have received in life! To be encouraged to sit with the feelings and learn they are “just” feelings, and they won’t destroy me. To learn to challenge and change those beliefs that were limiting me. To be taught to trust life and the process. To value myself more and stop seeing myself “broken” and “defected”. To be able to sit enough in the darkness until I finally saw the light! To listen to my fears and understand that those were actually ways I protected myself with, as a child. All of these and so much more along this beautiful journey where Aniela was my mirror, my guide, my light, my shoulder to cry on and the loving heart that understood and saw me!

Infinite joy and gratitude for these gifts and a heartfelt wish that they reach out to more and more souls out there!

Jan 13, 2023

When I met Aniela, I was at the point that I felt like I couldn’t go on anymore. I felt like this because, of all the struggle inside, and because I had trouble understanding the people that were impacting me. I explained to her very specifically that the others needed to be fixed, so I asked her to fix the others… she did something else! She helped me see, that knowing myself will change the interaction with them and this has been so helpful ever since!

She was there for me, paying attention, understanding, giving me a safe place to be me again, and guided me only when I needed it, letting me explore deeper as I was ready to do this. Most people know what to do for others, few know what not to do! Her knowing when to do it, and when not to, helped me twice.

I was a patient, yet I never felt like one, because she saw what I was, not what I was wounded by.

I like her energy, love her spirit, appreciate her professionalism and admire her skills.

Jan 13, 2023

I met Aniela around 8 years ago, when I needed someone who I could openly talk to. What followed was a beautiful journey, that still continues today. These therapy sessions have helped me discover myself, become more mindful about my past (and how it affects my present) and taught me about the importance of my perspective and inner life. I have learned how to cultivate my authenticity, and sit with my feelings. Aniela offered me a point of reference for many of the things I struggle with, and has provided a safe space, where I could truly share anything. She has met me with openness, understanding and warm energy, and supported me in creating a more fulfilling, kind, and loving relationship with myself. I think it’s important that you find a therapist that speaks to your soul, and I’m grateful for finding one that speaks to mine.

Jan 13, 2023


✵ 17 Years of Experience
✵ Clinical Psychology Degree
✵ Compassionate Inquiry Training