Counseling Session

Counseling Session

What do you need to know about the session:

  • Sessions are online.
  • It is a safe space for your vulnerability
  • Our relationship is the space where healing can happen
  • I value patience, respect, inquiring with compassion and curiosity, and the freedom of choice in the process
  • It happens in a space of presence with acceptance, without judgment and with the intention to heal
  • Healing is a process not a destination. You need to be patient and to be open to confront your pain. That doesn't feel good sometimes but it helps you get better. Together we learn how to be compassionate to yourself and to develop an intimate relationship with your heart
  • We will work in the present moment with an intention to engage in an exploration with curiosity and openness
  • We will learn how to be connected to our breath, our body and be in the here and now moment
  • We are connected and in a safe relationship (in this moment together you are seen, heard, understood and loved)
  • I put all my attention, knowledge, awareness, compassion, patience, respect, love and intuition in the process. I work with mindful presence, and I use my energetic and intuitive capacities to serve the inner work process.
  • Sessions are confidential

Please reserve your session time. Book your session online now here. 

I look forward to meeting you in session very soon. It's my honor, pleasure, and joy to serve you!

Namaste! I see you!

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If you would like to know more about the services I provide or to make an appointment, please contact me using this form.