Aniela Sarbu
I, like you, am a soul on a Journey to Personal Alchemy

My Story

I was born and lived in Romania, Europe for 37 years, and now I am living in America for over 5 years, in Traverse City, Michigan. I am a happy and grateful mother of a 21-year-old daughter Ana Eva and a 5-year-old daughter Maya Luna. I deeply treasure the time spent with them, their beautiful soul energy, and their kind and loving hearts. 

I am a sensitive and empathic person in love with Life. I have my Heart as a guide and the mind as a willing and curious partner in my Journey of awakening, healing, and transforming. I believe that we heal when we allow ourselves to see with our heart, the only one can see rightly. I believe that healing is not a destination but a process, a movement to wholeness. I am a book lover, a meditation passionate, and a yoga practitioner. I love to move my energy with free, intuitive, and ecstatic dance. I love the healing energy of nature, long walks, and deep, intimate conversations. I express my voice and creativity through writing, music, and dance. I love my morning coffee and my quiet time for introspection. 

I am a woman and I honor the divine sacred feminine who believes it is right and good to be a woman. I honor my life experience and I tell my story. Sometimes it is so raw and vulnerable but I don't know other ways to be myself and to connect with others. We meet each other in our stories. I am a woman who has acknowledged the past’s influence on her present, who walked through her past and healed into the present. I have wounds and scars like any other person on this planet. There is no human feeling unknown to me. I am a woman who embraces her being just as it is, who honors her body, her heart, and her soul. I am a woman who has access to the full range of human emotions, who expresses her feelings, and who treasures the courage of vulnerability, intimacy, and deep connections. 

I follow my truth, I express my truth, and I find authenticity the only way to a healthy and happy life. I trust my experience, my life challenges and lessons, and my healing and transforming journey where I am still walking and enjoying the process. I have learned through my challenges how to let go, trust, and surrender and that became my treasure. I am a woman who descends into her own inner life, who let her heart cry and open as many times as it's necessary. I love the freedom to be, to feel, and to express my soul's voice. I enjoy the silence and I love being in nature. I love the smell and the touch of wind, and the sound of rain. 

I am committed to my transformation process and I had grown in knowledge, self-compassion, and love of myself. I love the power of transformation that traveling has for our growth. I value deep and intimate communication and connection and I choose friends and partners with the necessary skills to navigate through the challenges of life. I am grateful for the ordinary moments of beauty and grace in my life. 

I value the women in my life. I treasure and believe in the Sacred Divine Feminine and the power of the Heart that can change the world. I sit in Circle of Women because my soul feels the need for connection, support, intimacy, and feminine energy. 

I work best with Empathic, sensitive people who are ready for their Journey to becoming aware and awake, healing and transforming, who are ready to live with an awakened heart and transform themselves and the world around them. 

Your healing has a ripple effect on the people around you. Your transformation has the power to change the world around you. When you heal yourself you heal the world. If you’re ready to begin or continue your Healing Journey and be liberated from living in pain, disconnection, and emotional suffering, if you want to gain insight, clarity, and choice in behavior then now is the time.

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If you would like to know more about the services I provide or to make an appointment, please contact me using this form.